We may now, more than ever, be in need of experiences and life journeys that fill our hearts, lift up our spirit and motivate us to renew ourselves and see our lives differently. But this is something the human being has actually been looking for all the time, and where they usually find it, is in traveling.
These days we’ve realized of just how important it is to renew our daily routines, being outside of home, the contact with other people, and while traveling, this potentiates to the maximum. Just think of how good it makes us feel these days when we go out to the supermarket and buy our food, as simple as that. This is because we are not made for isolation and we need to explore and enjoy the greatness the world brings us.
In this article we will go through some of the psychological benefits that travels bring us, which are closer to our lives again and we can’t recommend you enough to do it the moment you can.
To most of us, work life represents an inevitable level of stress that in some way or another, is the main source of diseases our body receives, whether they are physical, mental or psychosomatic. We are so submerged into our jobs and wanting everything to be perfect in them, that we don’t stop to enjoy the wonders of what a regular day in our routines gives us. We have to travel to another place and realize this, it’s like the moment we step a foot down the plane, we’d get a slap in the face that would shake us off and make us see that we are in this life just to enjoy it, not to worry about it.
Another way that knowing other places in the world will help you psychologically is that it will make you lose the irrational fear you sometimes feel for what is different. An unknown culture in which you are full of prejudice, a city you may think is dangerous or even a race that we may feel is not compatible with us. These kinds of prejudice are unsubstantiated and as you get deeper into these lands you will have no doubt that the only thing you’ll get out of this is pure enrichment. You will meet new people that you would have never imagined would be in your circle and you’ll discover a whole new world that deserves to be appreciated. Xenophobia is really the most absurd of phobias.
And speaking of fears; some people may think that the simple fact of traveling to another country or going on a solo trip, is frightening. But we know that we only overcome fears by facing them and until you go on that solo trip, you won’t realize there is nothing to fear, that you feel just good by being with yourself and that nothing’s going to happen; we’re not gonna be robbed in the streets nor we’ll end up lost without being able to coming back home.
Something imperative in order to be sane and happy with what we have inside our minds is self discovery, to know, accept and love ourselves, and traveling is the best way to achieve this. We’ll find out things that we didn’t know we were passionate about, people we never imagined would be our friends and it will make us capable of looking at us from a distance, from another point of view.
Travels make us see things in perspective. They make us see how other cultures live, cultures that may be less fortunate and have difficulties, significantly harder than ours, and this way we could wake up, get out of our bubbles and get more sympathetic of other’s pain, knowing we all are one humanity and that solidarity will be the one that saves us.
All of this will bring huge benefits to our minds. We’ll release endorphins big time, we’ll come back with anecdotes that we’ll never forget and will draw a smile on our face when we tell them to our friends. This is really the best inversion we could give our mind, our body and our spirit. Let’s keep traveling, travelers!