Very usually,when the time to dream about our future trips comes, our thoughts go straightto the legendary European cities, the impressive metropolis of the U.S. or theexotic countries in far Asia. But we as Mexicans don’t usually think of thewonders we have right around the corner, in our country.
It’s nosecret that many times, in foreign lands they appreciate more the incrediblecities and natural landscapes that we have in Mexico, than in our own country. Becausewe tend to think that the further the trip is, the better it will be or theprettier the scenery will be. And overseas, Mexico is highly valued anddemanded, Europeans and North Americans die to spend their vacations in ourparadise beaches, our magic towns are packed with foreigners amazed by theircharm and the great Mexican cities welcome professionals more and more everytime that know that our country represents a good market.
Let’s startemphasizing how incredibly cheap is to eat in Mexico. Even compared to othercountries in Latin America such as Peru or Chile, food and drinks in Mexico areextremely affordable, even in the best restaurants, and we don’t even need toremark the fact that street food can offer a spectacular delicacy for less than100 pesos. Definitely, the food is oneof the greatest advantages when you travel around Mexico.
Anotherhuge plus that we find on the Mexican streets is the impressive hospitality andkindness of the people. It does not matter how much of a stranger we may lookto them, they’ll always help us out if we’re in need and the smile on theirfaces will always be there. You can ask any foreigner of what they think is thebest quality Mexican people have and without a doubt, their human quality willbe their number one answer.
Besides, itdoesn’t matter what’s your favorite kind of weather. In Mexico you will find avariety of ecosystems that are not to be believed. The long list includesrainforests, beaches, forests, mountains, snow, deserts; humid, tempered, arid,dry or cold weather. There’s something for every taste.
Are you a shopping fan? Mexico is a true shopping paradise. We have from the crafts and localart stands filled with unknown talent to the big shopping malls and exclusivestreets with the most luxurious boutiques in the world. Many times with lowerprice tags than other big cities in the world.