Thereare many times when the stress from work and the city life take us to the limitand start to affect our everyday. Traffic and pollution take away our qualityof life and to breath pure air becomes a longing wish. Tons of work pile up andyou don't even know where to start, maybe resetting your brain and relaxing isa good start.
And even though you don't need a real reasonto take a vacation apart from the simple desaire of living new things, knowingdifferent cultures and enjoying ourexistence on this planet, there arecircumstances that scream an escape.
Oneof these is work, without a doubt. We live in a society that gives too muchimportance to our jobs and status and neglects mental health, body rest and thegood coexistence with ourselves and our loved ones. This is precisely what avacation pretend to fix.
Werecommend, that when you're on vacation, you really disconnect from work, tonot check on your cell phone every 10 minutes and to not
keepthinking about that presentation you have to expose when you come back to theoffice, when there's a stunning beach in front of you that you don't get thechance to see every day and you're literally ignoring it.
Anothergreat reason to take a vacation is to give you and your significant other amoment. There are times when monotony and the routine in a relationship makethe magic dissapear and we forget why we are with that person. We have to getout of that boredom and give new life to that relationship! And nothing doesthis better than escaping together to a romantic destination, reconnect andrevive the flame of love.
Agolden sunset will make you fall in love again, a spa afternoon together willmake you connect with your senses and his or hers, and a candle lit dinner bythe sea will make you remember why you are in love with that person. You can'tdeny that's a wonderful gift to both of you!
Anotherreason is simply because your body is
askingfor it. You have been killing yourself in the gym working for those abs andthose legs and that deserves to be shown off. Besides, if you're close tolooking like a ghost, your skin is likely screaming for some sun, and we haveto remember that it's not only an aesthetic matter but our body needs to absorbthe vitamin D the sun grants us.
If youidentify while reading this and you believe you're making these mistakes of thedaily rush, think no more and giveyourself that deserved vacation, remember that life is made of experiences andit will be the only thing we'll take with us.