It’s also great to watch the paradefloats making the city even more beautiful and representing the Virgin ofGuadalupe with love and devotion, who, to our foreign friends who don’t know,is the most revered religious representation for Mexicans and who, according tothe legend, showed herself to the indigenous Juan Diego in1531 and asked him to climb to the Tepeyac hills,collect some flowers and take them to the bishop as a proof of her existence.Juan Diego unfolded the clothing that carried the flowers and miraculously, theimage of a brown skinned virgin with half blood features was captured on it.Ever since, this image became one of the most important elements ofCatholicism, not only in Mexico, but around the world.
December is finally here, probablythe most anticipated month of the year because it’s full of celebrations,parties, gatherings with old friends, good vibrations and delicious food. It’salso a very important month to the millions of Catholics in Mexico, becauseapart from celebrating Christmas, tons of pilgrimages take place in the mainreligious places of the country, mainly to celebrate the day of the mostrepresentative symbol of the Mexican faith, the Virgin of Guadalupe.
A pilgrimage is the journey that a believermakes with the specific purpose of getting to a sacred place or sanctuary andgive thanks, make an offering or ask for something to a religious symbol.
Around the world, there are certain destinationsextremely important for the pilgrims, just like the Holy Land, Vatican City andSantiago de Compostela in Spain. Of course Mexico has a really importantplace as well in the Catholic pilgrimage world having the Basílica de NuestraSeñora de Guadalupe, the main religious site in Mexico receiving more than 20million pilgrims every year on December 12th.
We want Vallarta to be recognized as a touristicdestination that can also offer this kind of activities. Come this December andyou’ll realize that it’s totally worth it.
What usually happens during a pilgrimage in Vallarta is to start the processionin the corner of Juárez y 31 de Octubre streetsand open the path to the Guadalupe parish, in downtown. This walk will befilled with songs, praises, and of course, a mariachi can’t be missed at anyMexican celebration.
Nowadays, pilgrimages in Puerto Vallarta are the perfect chance togather Mexicans and foreign tourists, and show them how beautiful this traditionis, which it’s been happening for over a century and is about to be namedintangible heritage of Jalisco state.
If you’re a tourist and you’re staying in aparticipating hotel such as Rosita, Pescador, Palmas, Friendly, Canto del Sol,Sunscape or Casa de Chayo, you’ll be able to ask for more information anddetails on time schedules and activities to the employees in these hotels,since they are taking part of the pilgrimages.
Now you have one more reason to come to Vallartaand live new experiences!