It’s been almost three monthssince we started this lockdown caused by the expansion of the Covid-19 and wedon’t need to tell you that we are more than ready to go back to normal, a newnormal like they call it, but that at the end of the day reactivates theeconomy, which is urgent, especially for touristic spots like Puerto Vallarta,which have been severely affected by the lack of tourism and the minimal socialinteraction between of its citizens.
During phase zero, whichstarted last May 18th and it will extend for 2 weeks approximately but subjectto changes according to the rate of infections, mortality rate and mobilityindicators, social distancing maintains, the usage of public spaces and wearingface masks is still mandatory on the streets. Enterprises must guarantee theschedule flexibility for employees with children in school and senior citizens,pregnant women and people with chronic-degenerative diseases won’t be able toreturn to their activities.
In order to take thatfollowing step, each business will have to fulfill the established protocols bythe government of Jalisco and obtain the Business Opening Badge that allowsthem to restart their activities sticking strictly to the health rules andavoid infections.
0%of their occupation (common areas closed), daycares, barber shops (previousappointment and outside of a mall), flower shops, domestic employees, clothingstores (outside of a mall), corporative buildings, real estate agencies,printing offices, craft shops, transportation service, construction industry,restaurants with 50 persons maximum and banks mainly, all of these businesseshaving to comply the requirements of not having more than one person for every7 square meters, the use of face masks, having a space for hand washing,constant use of antibacterial gel with 70%of alcohol, periodic evaluation of the employees and to report suspiciouscases.
While the government is takingexcellent safety measures to put this to an end as soon as possible, it’s truethat we can’t leave it all to them because that would be a titanic job,impossible actually. We all citizens have to cooperate, obey the rules, takecare of each other and be very conscious and respectful of what the new normalmeans. Only like that we’ll leave this in the past and be able to look ahead toa promising future.